Microsoft Office

Multinational Technology Company
About this role


Freelance Graphic Designer at Possible Worldwide in Los Angeles, USA (on-site)


Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational technology company that develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics and personal computers and services.



Join the in-house Microsoft Office team to promote software suite utility and user experience.



Examined the Microsoft Office brand style guides and illustration library. I was asked to concept and produce a variety of social media and digital banner assets in different sizes that served a plethora of promotions. Some concepts were based on animation. Worked with the team of designers to coordinate asset delivery and work breakdown. I presented some of the work to other Possible offices and attended all client meetings.



Our work was published online in the official US Microsoft Office social media pages. The digital banners were also published online around the world.



Feb 2016 – Jun 2016 (Los Angeles, USA)




Social media

Welcome Mac users to the best of both worlds. Work presented has been live globally reaching millions in audience.

Collaboration and cross device. Show the power of Office 365.

Total economic impact of Office 365. E-book promotion to business owners.

Retargeting. Place cost right next to call to action to reduce number of abandoned carts on